AIC maintains access to student records in conforÂmity with the Family Educational Rights and PriÂvacy Act of 1974, and will not transmit any student records to third parties without authorization in writing from the student, or in special circumstances, or a court order, where such transmission is authorized by the Act. AIC has a strict confidentiality policy; please see section on confidentiality.
Student records are primarily housed with the Registrar. These include the student’s contact informaÂtion, admissions application materials, AIC transcripts, notifications to the Registrar for entries on the transcript, written petitions for withdrawal, leave of absence, transfer and other records.
College policy, in conformance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, permits a student to inspect his or her own educational records unless the student has previously waived access, such as, in some cases, letters of recommendation for admission, or areas specifically detailed in the Act. A student wishing to review the records in his/her file must submit a written request to the Registrar. Within an appropriate time, the student will be notified of the date, time, and place for the inspection of the contents of his/her file in the presence of the Registrar.