A student who withdraws from all courses, during or at the end of the semester, or plans a leave of absence, must complete a Withdrawal or Leave of Absence Form, which can be found in the Registrar’s Office. An honorable release is granted to students whose academic record makes them eligible to continue, or return to, the College and it states that they have met all obligations to the College. A student who withdraws from all courses must withÂdraw from residency in the dormitory. Withdrawal forms are available at the Main office.
- Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Verification of Student Identity in Distance Education
- Undergraduate Admissions, Procedures, & Requirements
- First-Year Admissions Procedures
- Transfer Policy & Procedures 
- Prior Learning Policy
- AP Credit
- Home-Schooled Students
- Second-Degree Students
- Deferred Admission
- Reactivation of Application 
- Readmission
- Graduate Admissions, Procedures, & Requirements
- Types of Admission
- Regular Admission
- Conditional Admission
- Provisional Admission
- Financing Your Education
- Tuition and Fees
- Financial Aid
- ³§³¦³ó´Ç±ô²¹°ù²õ³ó¾±±è²õ 
- Work-Study Program
- ±Ê²¹²â³¾±ð²Ô³Ù 
- Refund Policy
- Student Financial Responsibility 
- New Students
- Registration
- Populi
- Class Availability
- Academic Status 
- Credit Hour Policy
- Undergraduate Student Standing
- Academic Records 
- Student Records 
- Graduation Requirements
- Academic Policies
- Grading System
- F Grade and Repeated Courses
- Policy on Incompletes
- Add / Drop
- W Period
- WP / WF Period
- Withdrawal from All Courses / Leave of Absence
- Physical or Financial Hardship Withdrawal Policy
- Re-Enrollment After Hardship
- Final Grades
- Change of Grade
- Grade Appeal Process 
- Credit by Examination
- Grade Point Average
- Graduate Degree Requirements 
- Academic Dishonesty, Dismissal & Appeal
- Attendance
- Plagiarism
- Copyright Act
- Probation
- Confidentiality of Student Records & Information
- Disability Accommodations
- Commitment to Freedom of Academic & Intellectual Inquiry