- A completed Graduate School Application Form with the $25 processing fee.
- An official copy of your BA (or both BA and MA) transcript(s) from an accredited institution (hand-delivered but sealed copies of official tranÂscripts are acceptable).
- Either a writing sample based on one of your previous classes or an original essay of no less than 1000 words, describing your interests, aspirations, and previous background in this field (this should be submitted with your online application).
- A copy of the results of your GRE or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) scores.
- Two letters of recommendaÂtion from professors or employers who have direct knowledge of your academic ability and potenÂtial.
AIC’s DI Code for GRE is 3576
AIC’s Institutional Code for MAT is 2874
Applicants to the MA or MDiv programs will be expected to have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or a minimum graduate GPA of 3.00.
Additional factors, including the personal essay/ writing sample, letters of recommendation, and/or a personal interview (optional), might also be used in making the final determination of full or probationÂary acceptance.
An applicant for the Graduate Program may petiÂtion to receive graduate credit for courses taken at other accredited colleges and universities. Approval is dependent upon the Admissions Committee. For evaluation of courses taken prior to admission to the 91̽»¨, the student must indiÂcate on the application for admission any graduate transfer credit he or she would like to have considÂered. No more than nine (9) semester hours from other universities may be transferred and so counted toward the MA Degree in Islamic Studies at AIC. Students admitted to the 91̽»¨ Graduate Program may be allowed to enroll in seÂlect graduate courses at other accredited colleges or universities with the prior consultation and apÂproval of the Director of the Program. Such courses shall not exceed nine (9) semester credit hours and shall be selected to correspond specifically to courses that help meet the MA degree requirements. Only graduate courses will be considered for graduate credit transfer.
It is preferable that prospective students complete the online application at http://www.aicusa.edu/admisÂsions/application-procedures
Applications may also be downloaded from the AIC website and mailed to:
Admissions Office
640 W. Irving Park Rd
Chicago, IL 60613